Natural Insulin Therapy
Hydrotherapy involves using water in various forms, such as hot and cold compresses, baths, and wraps, to stimulate circulation, promote detoxification, and boost the immune system. Hydrotherapy is believed to aid in relieving pain and supporting overall wellness.
Hydrotherapy is any method that uses water to treat a variety of symptoms throughout your body. You might see it called water therapy, aquatic therapy, pool therapy or balneotherapy.
Hydrotherapy can be as simple as taking a warm bath at home, or you might use a special tank or pool. The term hydrotherapy also includes the use of pressurized jets, hot and cold temperatures and ice packs. Healthcare providers have used water to treat injuries and diseases as far back as the beginning of recorded history. Studies have found that hydrotherapy can be a great option to alleviate symptoms like muscle pain and joint stiffness.
Which is natural insulin?
Natural insulin (i.e. insulin released from your pancreas) keeps your blood sugar in a very narrow range. Overnight and between meals, the normal, non-diabetic blood sugar ranges between 60-100mg/dl and 140 mg/dl or less after meals and snacks.